Michele Liebler / Sallie Benton – Press Release


October 1–26, 2019

Michele Liebler, Sweet Dreams,

Michele Liebler, Sweet Dreams, 20 x 21 inches, oil, acrylic and pastel on paper

Sallie Benton, FP

Sallie Benton, FP, 24 x 20 inches, acrylic on canvas, 2019

Reception: Thursday, October 3, 6-8pm

LIEBLER: Liebler wishes to record her surrounding private life by paying homage to the French Intimists, Vuillard and Bonnard. However, Liebler’s world of observation is not based on Vuillard’s concept of suggestion- rather on acute clarity of surfaces and delineations closer to the American facticity of things as well as the domain of photography and media.

BENTON: I paint people because they fascinate me. “All art, especially figurative art is in a sense a self-portrait; be it landscape, still life or an actual portrait.”

To paint the essence of something, one must be silent and look long and hard – look as though it is the last image you will ever see. Painting is a way of remembering.